Monday, November 26, 2007
Saturday, November 24, 2007
I really had nothing to do now... it's my third post of the day.
Had been a drama addict these few days. Catching up on new episode of 公主小妹 on youtube every week and watching 学警出更 on online tv. Finally finish watching 18禁不禁.. quite a crap show la. Nowadays seldom watch tv le, always catch my drama online already..ch8 7pm hk drama and 9pm local drama is all i watch on mediacorp tv.
Below is a random pic taken during my mugging period

blogged @ 2:29 AM
Found this in mary's blog. It's a mathematician question. See if u are able to work out the correct ans anot.
There is a bus with 7 girls inside,
Each girl has 7 bags,
Inside each bag, there are 7 Big cats,
Each Big cat has 7 small cats,
All cats have 4 Legs each!
Question: How many Legs are there inside the bus?
blogged @ 1:19 AM
Went to the Loreal Sales @ Expo today with my cousin after her school. Initially, had quite a few items in mind that i intend to purchase from the fair. But then in the end, only bought concealer and foundation only. Wanted to buy the Garnier toner but then 3 bottles is too much for me so in the end, decided not to buy. But is so cheap can, is 3 for $10. And lucky we went there at the right time, we don't have to queue to get in and the crowd was so so when we reach. The crowd start to get crowdier and after we left, the people who wanna gets in needs to queue before going in. Then we decided to go Bedok hawker for our dinner, and upon reaching there and entering the carpark then we realize the hawker is under renovation. And in the end, we went to TM to have Pizza Hut. The sambal chilli pizza is really spicy can, we keep gulping our drink and ask for glass water with each mouthful of the pizza and put alot of cheese to cover the spiciness. And i realize i can actually eat spicy food. I still have a cup of undrunk ice water when i finished all the pizza where my cousin had finished both her drinks long ago.
While driving home, there's a subaru traffic police car behind me @ PIE and i tot that i had sped and got caught by that police car, then i saw the cab behind me move to the center lane and i also follow suit to move to the center lane and the traffic police car sped forwards.
And seriously, i hate bikers. They drive so recklessly can... No wonder, there are so many bike accidents nowadays.
blogged @ 12:39 AM
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Have been contemplating on getting a PSP though i had already own a DS Lite. Somemore, hasn't been utilising much on my DS Lite and now thinking of PSP. Dunno y, recently had been having gadget craze.
Have been real lazy to go find a hols job. Think will slack till next week then shall start with the search ba, will c how.
I had nothing to do now at 4.45am..
blogged @ 4:40 AM
Monday, November 19, 2007
Finally an end to everything... no more projects and exams for the time being. It's time out for some enjoyment and refreshment.
Had a week rest till now but seems that nothing much was being accomplished. Wanted to pack my room but doesn't have the energy to start doing it. Had been playing my ds and currently reading on a book called marley & me. It's about a labrador dog and his owner, quite a nice read.
Still slacking and waiting for my supervisor to get back to me. But if there's still no reply for a week, might be looking for other job le.
Thai trip date had been confirmed. It's on next yr valentine day 14feb-18feb. Have to skip two lectures for the trip. But since it is still the start of new term, so i presume it shouldn't be much of a prob.
Today is my finally long awaited actual chinese birthday. I didn't noe abt it until my mum told me in the afternoon. Y long awaited? Cos i was born in lunar calendar "lun yue", and this only occurs for a few yrs, think abt 4 yrs or more before it cycle to this month again.
Soon a new yr is approaching but there is minimal or no accomplishment this yr.

blogged @ 2:37 AM